Friday, November 7, 2014

Retiring Blog

Regards to any who might have read this blog in the past.  It seems I've busied my life with so much else that the good intentions have been over written by just daily living.  Hoping something written in the past may have encouraged you, and that you will pursue life with everyday focus on what's most important ... allowing God to be first and next, your family of greatest importance above all "things".

Life is one day at a time and our life is but a vapor, so make each day worth living to the fullest, without regret.  As we live today as unto the Lord, tomorrow will take care of itself.  Living in the past will not provide for the future.  Today is yesterday's tomorrow ... don't miss today, worrying about tomorrow.

Are you ready should your life end today to stand before our Creator, God?  You can be, but only by receiving by faith, the gift of God?  "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ" .. and "ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

For God so loved the world He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

For the present, and since I've not written for the past seven months, I now plan to retire this blog until further notice.

Until we meet again,

Friday, March 21, 2014

Yes .. It's Officially Spring

The calendar seems to dictate what season we're in ... but does it ever look "outside", or better still go "outside"?  Today it is actually a Spring like day .. great temperatures with snow in the morning and no need for a coat by evening.  It is Ohio remember.

Enjoyed the sunshine either way, got a ride in on my bike (pedaling of course) and exercise is good for me no matter what the temperature.  My demeanor seems to improve with motion and warmth, and of course the prospect of even warmer temperatures to follow doesn't hurt my mood either.

Hope it's good weather where you are and you're able to enjoy a little of it while we have it.  It sure is something all of us seem to have in common.

I know we are not created with the sole purpose of living based on the weather.  We have a higher purpose and calling.  While we allow this body to dictate our moods and often times our generosity toward others, I do know we have God's grace and His promises to be our true gauge of how to live.  He says we can do all things through Christ Who dwells in me (us), if we receive Him by faith (John 3:16) but so often we neglect to listen to what the Spirit of God in us is trying to show us and where He's trying to lead us ... in other words, it requires obedience to God.

The steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord .. orders are therefore given, but it's our obedience to those orders that bring the fruit.  He says also, commit your works to the Lord and He will establish your thoughts ... sounds like what I not only need, but want, to happen in my life.  I so desire to prosper in what I set my hand to, .. to fulfill His purpose in life, each day, not just occasionally.  There is a plan for my life (and yours), for good and not for evil.  He will perfect (bring to completion) those things that concern me, again if I cooperate by acting on the Word, not just hear it and keep doing what I've been doing.  (We can't keep doing what we do the same way, but expecting different results!)

My past does not define who I am, or Whose I am, unless I yield to that.  Today decides tomorrow when I live it according to His direction.  Today is not intended to be built on the weather or circumstances I do not control.  Today is about choices I am able to make.  Choices are not designed to be based on feelings, ... feelings physically, socially, or even mental assent.  We were created to be Spirit, Soul, and Body, .. but we live so much of our lives just the opposite ... Body, Soul, and Spirit.  We are to be spirit led when we receive Christ and become a new creation .. to live by the spirit is life, but to live by the flesh (body and/or soul) is death.

My choice today is to choose life, and that more abundantly through Jesus Christ.  I am very thankful that the weather is changing day by day, progressing fully into Spring again.  It happens every year, and thus the seasons continue as God said they would.  I'm a comfort creature like most, but I do learn to find comfort and enjoy life no matter what the season brings, always looking forward to the time when it's just like I prefer it, but God has made a way to see His creation as beneficial to my life when I stop and just give thanks for the breath I breathe, and that the life I now live is one of freedom from the past, forgiven, chosen, and blessed to be His child, in His kingdom.

Don't you just love life, no matter what the season?  My praise goes out to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ for another new day, full of opportunity to love, give, and to be loved by God first, but know I'm loved by others as well.  It's also a blessing to know you are loved and we have fellowship because of Him.

Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is with in me, bless His Holy name!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Spring .. Yes!

If you're like me, I am certainly more than ready for this weather to move on to Spring.  Did I see a post that says 9 more days till the official start of Spring? .. not that I'm counting!

You bet your blue budding flowers I'm counting and fully expect to enjoy being outside again, everyday!  I am thankful that God provides change through the seasons, and of course like you, I have my favorite times of the year.  It is refreshing to know also that God provides change in our seasons of life and as I grow older in the count of years, I do look back at times and see what God has been up to in the changes I haven't always wanted.

He shows us how to be more like Him, and He grants us the desires of our hearts when we follow Him.  I know that He never leaves me, nor has He ever forsaken me.  In every season of my life, God has been at work in me by His Spirit, to refine and bring me forward in the plans He has for me.

Let us rejoice again today, for the new season arriving soon in the natural, and also rejoice that where we are today won't always be that way, .. He has more if we'll just follow His direction and trust Him, with the good times we know, but in the times that aren't so good .. because He is ever faithful.

God is Good, All the time!

Monday, March 10, 2014

Wow .. been too busy to blog?

Seems like it's been forever since I logged on and put into writing what's on my heart.  Truth is, this journey has had so many plates full of everyday that I've allowed the time to take me, rather than taking the time to reflect on my life and all that God has been at work in me to bring continued transformation .. for what reason?  To be more like Jesus!  As I just heard this past week from someone who is far more eloquent, He wants me to be an instrument for His glory.

So often my desires like many, is to pursue career, dreams, goals, and lifelong accomplishments for the sake of a title, position, credit, and recognition of one sort or another.  To offer comfort to those around me, or to please those I am trying to serve, hoping to find comfort in being productive and fruitful.  While that may have elements of merit, it does not, has not, never will, .. fulfill what God has in mind for my life.  All the above seems to become idol worship, rather than the worship God desires for Himself .. He created me for fellowship with Him and to bring glory to His Name through worship of Him alone.  He is a jealous God, .. because He will share His glory with no one.  Too deep to wrap my mind around? .. no, but it does mean yielding my life totally to Him and not some image of who I think He is ... He knows me, and wants me to truly KNOW Him.

My trust in Him is growing, and to trust means to know something about or know who that trust is given to.  I am learning that when I put my trust (faith) in Him alone, I don't have to use up my life figuring out how, when, where, etc.  However, it does mean I have to let go of what I'm trying to make happen, and listen to what He says and then obey it.

Some will say they don't want to use foul language because they don't want God to hear it, but the same ones will say, He doesn't hear me when I pray .. go figure that!  The problem I have had, is feeling like my prayers weren't answered and trying to find a way to get Him to hear me.  The real problem is, I haven't been listening and more so, not obeying.  Answers come as yes, no, or not now (means waiting).

In trying to be more like Jesus, it means listening and then doing what He says.  We listen to the voice of the enemy that says you can't make it, you're failing, why not make a choice you know isn't right, don't forgive because they hurt me, or too many other deceptive lies to count, and at the same time I complain I can't hear His voice, when He says love your neighbor, help someone in need, give and it will be given, turn from your ways to My ways, ask someone I've offended for forgiveness ... duh .. now who would speak that to me?  Surely not the devil, so I can not say He isn't speaking, nor can I say I can't hear His voice.

Just wanted to do a little open dialogue with myself, but in writing this, I am hoping it not only is my reminder, but as you read this, may it be some momentary help that might encourage you to know, God is at work in each of us, .. each one who comes to God, believing that He is and that He's a rewarder (not a taker) of all who diligently seek Him.  It must be my priority, first things first, to follow Him, to turn from my wicked ways, to pray, and ask God to not only forgive me, but to cleanse me .. renew a right spirit in me, and draw me to Him day by day.

A journey requires the first step, and let me say, until we make that first step toward Him, He cannot enable us to take the remaining steps of this journey to complete our trip, and enduring one.  Without a start, no marathon will happen, nor will anyone win .. to those who endure there is a reward when the journey is completed.  Oh, to hear Him say well done my good and faithful servant.  That means more than any title, position, credit, or pat on the back from anyone in this life.

Take heart all!  With God all things are possible and our pastor's version of that is, "it's impossible for God to do nothing".  Let's give our all to Him and look forward to "until we meet again".

Yep, this is Roger and I believe I can do all things through Christ ..

Monday, April 29, 2013

So God Is Real?

ABSOLUTELY .. the heavens declare His glory! .. just look around at all of nature, and whether I like it or not (at times), just a look in the mirror.  Glad to know I didn't come from a monkey and I am "fearfully and wonderfully made" .. (He said that!)  When anything is left to itself, it does not get better, it begins to fall apart in everyday language.  Try leaving anything living without food, nurturing, and the care of those who love life and are willing to tend to it.  Even inanimate objects fall apart .. try leaving your house abandoned without maintenance for a year ... it does not do well and will need "fixing" when you return .... so don't tell me evolution can produce humans with intellect, strength of mind, strength of body, and definitely strength of spirit.

God created us individually, and He created us to have companionship .. first with Him, but here on earth and in heaven for eternity, fellowship with others. .. He does not leave us to ourselves to see if we get better either!  The Holy Spirit continually provokes us to see the truths of God and to grow up in a relationship with Him .. not a "religion", which is really just a social club to make us feel good.

God has provided for each of us (world around) to have what we need and much more.  His blessings are for all who will trust Him and allow Him to use our lives for the benefit of others.  It's more blessed to give than to receive, and we are blessed to receive also.

Today, is the day of salvation, but we can wait too long, ... thinking we can do it on our own.  Like I said, anything left to itself will deteriorate (fall apart), but with God through Jesus Christ as our Savior, we blossom and grow into a fruitful purpose.  Evolution can never do that either!

For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son (Jesus Christ) that whoever believes in Him shall never perish, but have everlasting (to the full) life.  John 3:16

Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring is Coming!

Yes, I'm looking forward to another Spring, but this year in our newer house.

It's been a little while since I've been here, but thought I'd give it another go and get 2013 rolling.

Since September  of 2012, we've been busy as bees in spring and squirrels in the fall, with the changes we've made in this newer house.  Built in 2005, it has good bones and a great layout, but fixtures and cosmetics definitely were in need of a coat of paint, carpet, light fixtures, added ceiling fans, and last maybe, the yard which is now straight ahead.

But, before we could even think about much of that, beginning January 3rd, we have been going through rehab/restoration after a right shoulder repair of her rotator cuff and some other repair (once the surgeon opened up the shoulder).  She is doing well, but it's been a long winter in close quarters, feeling confined (both of us at times), yet .. we've been determined and dedicated to the task of daily exercises and doing what was difficult to physically accomplish.  As a caregiver, you soon find out what it means to "wash someone's feet", etc. and help without taking thought of what might be awkward, .. because we're committed to each other for life and all that comes with it.

Now that the transition has been made from a large dependence on your mate to driving again, and back to the work schedule everyday, we can also look forward to planning time to just enjoy what we've taken for granted until the surgery.  Can you write your name (signature) with your opposite hand? .. and can you curl your hair with the opposite hand? .. among other essentials, we don't realize what we do by reflex everyday, all our lives, until you no longer have the range of motion, and/or strength to accomplish.  Doctor said this was a six month rehabilitation/recovery so I think she's doing very well, as does her physical therapist.

God is so good (all the time) and we are afforded many freedoms and opportunities.  But, knowing God is so good and loves each of us, sometimes we have to be that "love of God" to someone around us, who is disabled, or invalid, due to no fault of their own (or even if it was their fault), because He said "love your neighbor" (which includes family of course).  Who do people see us as and is it possible they are seeing Jesus in our acts of kindness and support? The drink of water, the washing of the "feet" so to speak, the help with a chore or an errand, or to be blessed with food they might be short on?  It's all easy to say, and easy to read about someone else's story, but today again we have not only the opportunity, but the mandate from the Spirit of God, to bless others, starting with your own family and reaching to the uttermost, as God brings them across our paths.

Come on Spring .. we're looking for warmer weather, outdoor activities, time off for a few days of vacation maybe, but the season when things are growing again, coming alive with potential.  Winter and convalescing seems to keep us self focused, but God's love is meant to reach not only to us, but through us.  Life even in a simple way of understanding, means growing, thriving, going beyond where we've  been and enjoying the journey.  Sharing life brings the real joy of any journey.

Make it a great day and love someone by acts of kindness, from the heart .. His heart through your heart!

Friday, December 28, 2012

Farewell 2012

Whew it's been a fast year full of challenges, a total move to a new house, another grandchild, and a dry one for us.  So, yes, it's also been void of posting since last January as well.  Too many irons in the fires I suppose, but then it's all been worth it.

God has been, and is so faithful to our family, and yes to Pam and me!  We know He has been at work in the details.

I can only say stay tuned and check in occasionally for more details of this Mays family of 5 children, and 16 grandchildren!

More later,