Thursday, November 13, 2008
What Do YOU See?
I took this picture at our last Royal Rangers Gold Medal Camp evening Council Fire, which is our ministry time to present God's Word to our boys and men. I can not take any sort of credit for what you see, but when I first saw the photo, it was awesome to see what is being revealed.

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Changing Times
We certainly would be living in a cave not to notice the world is changing by the day. While we are challenged to face the uncertainty of a new leader and his agenda, we are promised by God that He is able to move in behalf of those who believe that He Is and that He's a rewarder (not a taker) for those who diligently seek Him (not His stuff, but Him). Much is yet to unfold and we may not readily understand, but we have the hope given by God through Jesus Christ that life for us is in His kingdom, which is not of this world (which will pass away). That which is eternal will remain, .... that which is temporal will fade and pass. We are called to walk by faith not by sight, .... seeing what is not seen and not allowing what is seen to keep us from our promises. If in this life only we have hope, we really do not have hope at all. Let's put our trust fully in Jesus and run this race with patience, determined to lay hold on the prize.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Ike Vs. Our Trees
This is our back yard "before" September 15....

This is "after" Ike's visit ......

Lot's of firewood and less scenery ...... and some sore muscles, but thanks go to friends and family for the cleanup ...... maybe another backyard photo tomorrow after the pickup is finished ... the good news is no damage to our house or persons ...... just the view.
This is "after" Ike's visit ......
Lot's of firewood and less scenery ...... and some sore muscles, but thanks go to friends and family for the cleanup ...... maybe another backyard photo tomorrow after the pickup is finished ... the good news is no damage to our house or persons ...... just the view.
Friday, August 1, 2008
New Adventure to the Skyline Drive ......
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Phil
Pray one for the other!
I'm reminded today that we have friends when we ARE friends, and part of true friendship is when we help each other when in need. Such a need often means we are called on to remember someone in prayer.
Today, if you have a friend going through a tough time or needing a hand up, let me encourage you to take a moment and ask God to intervene in their situation. The beauty of life comes to us most often through true friends. True friends give themselves to others, even when it isn't convenient, .... meaning laying down our lives for them. Jesus did that for us while we didn't (and don't) deserve it.
Go find the beauty of this day, and it's probably on your doorstep already.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Sweet reunion of our kinfolk
Meet Uncle Ray and Aunt Arlene. The remaining uncle and aunt from my dad's family in Virginia, of a family of 13 children. Each year we look forward to their presence and to each one of the children, grandchildren, and the "greats" of course, .... all being cousins. My wife says, who is that ... I say a cousin; and who is that ..... and I say a cousin! We've lost count but look forward each year to a visit with family, enjoying the elder and the younger, newborn and all. Hope you can be a part this year. Each year we remember those who no are no longer "with us". Y'all come now!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Bittersweet Reunion
Today we had the "reunion" of family and friends of Sharon, our very dear friend who went home to be with the Lord this past Monday. The homegoing celebration of her life and legacy offered a glimpse into the life of a true servant, friend, and worshipper of Christ. While all the trappings and preparations would have been overkill for Sharon, it was the best way we could all get together around the legacy she left, through her children, grandchildren and too many others to name that recalled the touch of Sharon in their lives individually. A sweet spirit of God's love and presence permeated the air, the flowers, video memories and definitely every song. It was a Sharon kind of gathering. While the celebration was great, and moving, the fellowship was the icing ....... she would have approved of that at least.

Her physical body was laid to rest in Pataskala, and befitting to a Sharon ceremony, was the unplanned entrance of a large deer, running into and out of the cemetery. We were also offered the "fly over" of a gaggle of geese (in formation of course), but not to be outdone, a very beautiful butterfly made an entrance to the canpoy where the family was gathered to say their last farewell to Sharon.
We joy in the knowledge of Sharon's presence in heaven and our longing to go where she is! O hasten the day of our reunion in heaven, with Christ our Saviour, and the host of saints gone on before. Are you ready?
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Together with friends
As we continue this journey, it may be alone if you wish, but with a friend, it's always a comfort. Friends come from God, but we have to be friendly to have friends. Such friends are the Nevil family, beginning with Chuck and Sharon, and continuing with the children and grandchildren.
Lord we thank you for our friends such as the Nevils. May I insert the Kujawa's and the Tsuha's as well. My family is blessed with lifelong friends who stick close like true brothers (and sisters).
Today we must plan the farewell celebration of Sharon, knowing full well, we will meet again.
Chuck we are keeping you in our prayers and fellowship.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Closer Than A Brother ..... Our Friends
Farewell to a friend of 30 years, unfailing in love, faithful till her homegoing July 14, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Sharon Nevil. She is no longer earth bound and is now absent from this body and present with the Lord. Join with us in our sorrow of the passing, but also in our joy of her eternal comfort with our Heavenly Father and Christ Jesus His Son. We see through a glass dimly, but now she sees clearly all that we long for and groan as we wait. Sharon we love you!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
In The beginning ......
This is the day .... Maze Gen was born ....... might not be daily, but I plan to be here regularly ..... hope you like it.
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