Well, here's another attempt at keeping my blog current .... retirement has been good and the work here is plentiful ... no I don't miss my job. This is certainly new ground for both of us and we're looking forward to whatever God has for us.
We've been to our family reunion in Waynesboro, Virginia, the place of my birth and continued to the east coast for some sightseeing. Jamestown was good and I enjoyed the 3 ships there. Our adventures took us to North Carolina, Kill Devil Hills, home of the Wright Brothers memorial and museum of their first flights.
What has gained my attention today, is what I can do for others, that I would like done for me ... giving rather than concern about receiving. Jesus went about doing good ... I think that's the example He intended for us.
No picture for today, but eventually I may find a few worthy of sharing again, but a picture I hope to leave with everyone, is one of compassion, and love for my neighbor (includes you of course).