Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thanksgiving a'plenty!

It's almost the end of another year .. whew!! Where has the time gone?
As I think back over this year, I recognize we still have a full month to go, but we have passed through some hard times, but .. God has walked with us through what could have been worse.

As both Pam and I have been in the hospital twice, some planned, some unexpected, we both look back and can truly say we're stronger than we've ever been .. we haven't flinched.  God is faithful and has kept us from what could have been our enemy's delight.  He has not only worked with us, but for us and we continue to win.

Saying farewell to my youngest brother would be tougher than the health issues ... he went home to be with Jesus November 18th after a battle with cancer.  He remained faithful to God and has in no way felt that God let him down, but rather has stood on the Word, that "His grace is sufficient .. ".  Andy left a legacy for us all by living a pattern that Jesus gave us .. believing in God and searching for Him with our whole heart, knowing that God is, and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him .. with our whole heart, .. a relationship, not a religion.

We look forward to Thanksgiving and Christmas.  A time to give thanks for all He is and has done, as well as a time to remember to give as Christ gave, not expecting anything in return and to give in love.  We are called to live in peace with one another, forgiving, comforting, and showing the kindness God has shown us through mercy.

Let your light so shine before men that they will glorify Him (not us) and draw others to that same light.  Do you have the light of Christ burning within?  It requires that we agree with God that we are all sinners, but that we can all be saved when we turn from sin, to God (turn around) and allow Him to change us from within.  We can't fix it first ... He is the one Who makes us a new creation in Christ, then day by day we are changed as our minds are renewed in the Word.

Happy Thanksgiving and a blessed merry Christmas to you as we celebrate His goodness and the birth of our greatest gift, Jesus Christ, ... Light of the world, our Savior!