Monday, March 22, 2010

Abortion Care?

Well, we as a nation have now taken a step worse than Roe Vs. Wade .... we are now set to use federal dollars (your money) to pay for abortions, now legal through so called healthcare reform. When voters decided the current president was bringing change, it was expected to be for their wallets, forgetting we have been a nation committed to morality (in days long gone I guess) and chose to ignore how the current administration voted when it came to morality.

We now must live with what we've cast upon the next generation and the "example" we have given our children when we voted for "change". How's that working out for you? When you think your health bills are now being covered by me (who did not vote for the current president or his regime) .... yes by me, and by your own wallet because of taxes, and that of your working family, friends and neighbors.

Everyone who thinks the federal government should pay their medical bills, and anything else they don't want to pay for themselves, should possibly be thinking about, what ever happened to trusting the God we said we believed in? Christians who say they believe the B-i-b-l-e, yet vote differently, should not cry foul when this all comes full circle and our choices say what we actually believe (only what we see with our eyes and ears). The heart we used, to say we accepted Jesus Christ as Lord, has been betrayed for 30 pieces of silver. The foul is that God never intended for us to rely on any government or group to be our source. He said He would supply ALL our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus ... having food and raiment therewith being content, for He knows already what your needs are. He takes care of the birds, and decorates the meadows with it's color and life ... He is not in debt .... think about our national debt ... who pays that off? It never will be, since it would require in excess of 39,000 dollars per person in the US of A to come close, ... for the rest of your life (oh, I mean your children's lives) this will continue to grow, but now by leaps of unfathomable belief, the national debt just agreed to pay for this so called reform.

Not to worry, your new national ID will put you into a group accepted to obtain healthcare, and anything else the fed's want to control in your life. Corporations will offer you the best deals (at a high price without quality) since the Mom and Pop businesses will now be driven from the market.

Thank you "values voters" for making an effort. Our only recourse is intercession for our nations leaders, which we will now need to double, triple, multiply, our efforts to counter the fallout of the choices our current congress has so nobly handed us.

God save us, our nation, from this spiraling downward fall.

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