Monday, December 6, 2010

2010 Turning Point

What do we do when everday is crammed with more than one day's schedule can handle?  When looking at the long range picture, what will matter 24 hours from now, or what will matter a month from now, ... how about 6 months, or a year?  What will matter in eternity?

If you have read the previous blog, it's easy to see this year has had it's challenges, along with rewards, but none the less, we haven't lacked for challenges.  How much we have taken on to handle, becomes part of our everyday thoughts and concerns, even with great expectations as a motivation.  What escapes "me" sometimes is the current level of ability to multi-task or juggle the choices that are not mine, with choices that my seem inviting.  "There is a way that seems right ...." at times, and, I've realized (more than once) that what "seems" right may have brought "overload" to the commitments already in progress.

Long story shortened, I have as of today, made a choice to let go of a commitment that when presented originally, seemed like the thing to do and it would provide help where help is needed.

Need is not the best reason many times to make a commitment.  While I do not regret jumping into the process, I see now I can provide only so much for so many, and pleasing others is not the way to evaluate accomplishments.  Sometimes that comes from pride, sometimes, just good intentions.  I became burdened beyond my own capacity to fulfill and no longer had the peace of the process.  I don't know that I missed God, ... just that while learning some valuable "information", I also lost the joy of the race.

Today, I let go of that commitment, and find already the peace of the process in living up to what is mine "first to do" and all else will take it's place in line, or be left for others who are able to handle "in peace".

Is anyone disappointed in me for that choice?  That will be for others to "deal with" and understand.  While "I can do all things through Christ", I'm not required to do everything others may expect.  Did I go back on my word?  Not!  I did work toward a goal that was based on unknown factors, and am now satisfied I gave it my best.

Today I continue with what is mine to do with a better focus, and with less distraction to what comes first.  My race continues.

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