Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Is Faith?

God's Word says "have faith.." which means you can have it.  So what is it, and how do I get that?

God gave us freewill, and with that He says we have choices.  Love is a choice, as is forgiveness.  If we wait for feelings, all of us have feelings that betray us and are more often than not based on circumstances, and we will make some pretty sorry choices.  All of us make choices we regret.  It may not be that we get to do it over again, but even if we do, what we base our choices on might still prove unreliable.

Faith then is a choice, to know God!

How do we then find out enough to "know" God?  Knowing is a term of intimacy and endearment.  We know people we say, but really we're just knowing "about" them.  When I know you, I can say he/she would do things this way, or would not do things that way.  It's because we know character, not just about them.  God's character is just that; He is not a man that He would lie, and what His will is, will also be for our best, not necessarily what is comfortable or even fun, but it works out for our best and to His glory.  To "know" God, we must spend time "with" God.

So again, how do I have faith?  I give Him my life and listen for what He says, and He says "have faith" just the same as if He would say, "have a cookie".  It's yours for the taking, and of course to live by for Him .. "have faith in God .."  Mark 11:22.  A measure of faith is yours when you accept Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins, by His shed blood on the cross.  Yet He says to believers, have faith.  When we spend time with Him, we will take His Word and simply "have faith".  Faith then simply, is knowing God.

When we know Him, our lives change day by day as we walk in that faith!  Faith in God, is simply put, .. trusting God.

So why do I argue with God about my life and what He says? Because I'm not trusting Him to know what's best for me, but when I'm living what's best, it's also for the best for my family and all those around me.  That's the greatest way to live and victory is mine when I do.

Thank God that we can "have faith"!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Southern Body in a Norther Climate 8<(

A glance to the right reveals a climate I prefer.  This body has reeled every winter at the thought of spending days in a climate where I shiver at the thought of emerging from my nice warm bed first of all, then my nice warm house.

So many clothes to wear just to check the mail, after, I shovel the driveway.  (At least I work up a sweat that way.)  What 's a guy to do to get his family to ALL move to a warmer state?

I am warmed by the thought of all my grandchildren who will greet me with smiles that melt the heart of the most frigid personality.  How can I be so focused on my own chill bumps of the cold weather, when I have the opportunity to have chill bumps over such a blessing of arms wrapped around my legs (as I drag them down the hallway) and kisses of (whatever they ate last) on my cheek.

Guess it's a price I've been willing to pay, only, .. can I just not let them grow up?  Do I have to return to my warm house and warm bed, without knowing I will again enjoy the warmth of my children and grandchildren?  Not gonna happen as long as I can get out of the driveway!

Here's a scene that is beautiful to the eyes, and hard on this southern body, but I am reminded to rejoice in the Lord always, and again .. (Paul had to rub it in) .. I say rejoice!  So with the thought in mind that someday, not far away, I will get to shed the Carharts and long johns and find again the warmth that this southern body longs for, I will stay here in cold Ohio.

And, Spring is only a couple months away now.  I can almost here the Crocus, tulips, and daffodils squirming underneath the ground, trying to ready themselves to pop out for all to see and enjoy.

Today, I will not quit.  Today I will have a cookie.   Today I will put my trust in the God of all the climates, remembering each time I see a rainbow, He is still faithful to His Word.  Because He lives, I can face tomorrow and live today in joy!

He is my Rock, my Strength!  If you know Him, then trust Him with me.  If you don't know (a term of intimacy and endearment), then you can, just by asking Him to fill you with His gift of Life.  Why not accept Him today, fully, completely, giving Him your all, not just parts.  Then you too can rejoice!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

It's Today And What's Ahead That Counts!

Whew, where did the time go? A year certainly I can say I'm glad is behind me, but I believe it's valuable to re-view and remember in order, first to give thanks, then to realize we are called to go forward, not dwelling on present or past difficulties, or perceived failures.

When we truly believe that "the steps of a good man are ordered of the Lord" then, can we actually say we failed, .. or was it a time of testing our metal (faith)? I can say I would like to have realized a better outcome in a particular area of challenge, but today, I am at peace with where I believe God has me.

Take stock of last year only to improve this year and allow God to renovate what might have been damaged or even destroyed. Some things need to die, but often we are just in need of a renewed vision to propel us forward to something better, and God is a restorer! "The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came that we may have life and that more abundantly (quantity and quality)" John 10:10. We, by choices, can invite what God has for us, by obedience to what His Word says. We cannot say as Bing Crosby says, "I did it my way". It has to be God's way, the truth and the life (by Jesus Christ) to reach agreement .. repentance, "by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God ..". We cannot earn it by doing all the good things on earth.

Ask Him today if you are in right relationship, then listen for that voice of the Holy Spirit that will let you know, if something is standing between you and God, and if you're willing to repent of that, you will find yourself with a sense of His peace, knowing you are either ready or knowing what it is you need, to be ready.  Cast your cares on Him, because He cares for you.

Prayer is simply talking to God. Faith is simply believing God. Believing God means you're willing to agree with Him and do what He says. Forgiveness from God is simple, as simple as being offered a cookie and you accept it. Forgiveness of God then means you have the power and choice to forgive others. Without forgiving others we do not receive forgiveness from God (He said that, I didn't), but then comes the peace of God that defies understanding, and His joy follows.

We have a new day and new days to look forward to!