Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Southern Body in a Norther Climate 8<(

A glance to the right reveals a climate I prefer.  This body has reeled every winter at the thought of spending days in a climate where I shiver at the thought of emerging from my nice warm bed first of all, then my nice warm house.

So many clothes to wear just to check the mail, after, I shovel the driveway.  (At least I work up a sweat that way.)  What 's a guy to do to get his family to ALL move to a warmer state?

I am warmed by the thought of all my grandchildren who will greet me with smiles that melt the heart of the most frigid personality.  How can I be so focused on my own chill bumps of the cold weather, when I have the opportunity to have chill bumps over such a blessing of arms wrapped around my legs (as I drag them down the hallway) and kisses of (whatever they ate last) on my cheek.

Guess it's a price I've been willing to pay, only, .. can I just not let them grow up?  Do I have to return to my warm house and warm bed, without knowing I will again enjoy the warmth of my children and grandchildren?  Not gonna happen as long as I can get out of the driveway!

Here's a scene that is beautiful to the eyes, and hard on this southern body, but I am reminded to rejoice in the Lord always, and again .. (Paul had to rub it in) .. I say rejoice!  So with the thought in mind that someday, not far away, I will get to shed the Carharts and long johns and find again the warmth that this southern body longs for, I will stay here in cold Ohio.

And, Spring is only a couple months away now.  I can almost here the Crocus, tulips, and daffodils squirming underneath the ground, trying to ready themselves to pop out for all to see and enjoy.

Today, I will not quit.  Today I will have a cookie.   Today I will put my trust in the God of all the climates, remembering each time I see a rainbow, He is still faithful to His Word.  Because He lives, I can face tomorrow and live today in joy!

He is my Rock, my Strength!  If you know Him, then trust Him with me.  If you don't know (a term of intimacy and endearment), then you can, just by asking Him to fill you with His gift of Life.  Why not accept Him today, fully, completely, giving Him your all, not just parts.  Then you too can rejoice!

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